The eight (8) Orgs from Season 3 will continue to be a part of CCL and those Orgs are selected by CCL Admin. HeroesCCL is owned and operated by Wisdom Gaming Group d/b/a Heroes Hearth and not affiliated with or administrated by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. HeroesCCL Season 4 is a 13-week long Heroes of the Storm league composed of Masters-plus players from any region. Without further ado, welcome to the CCL Season 4 Patch Notes! Overview If this is the first time you've heard about HeroesCCL, you can refer to the links below to read about the past formats and changes of CCL. There's a lot of information to share, so we'll do a TL DR breakdown up front with the details below for further clarification, including some notes from Commissioner Jules Scott. We are incredibly excited to share the plans we've put together for HeroesCCL Season 4.